Thursday, March 8, 2012

Wait... What?

I think I had a small glimpse into recovery.

I didn't like it. It was unfamiliar, unsafe and uncomfortable, and anything else "un" related.

So I unconsciously and then slowly knowingly and then very much aware, self sabotaged myself.

Really...? Is this how this goes?

1 comment:

  1. I have been reading you blog on a monthly basis. This recent entry is a sign you are on the path to recovery. Yes you may fall off the wagon from time to time but I believe the internaized message within you has changed. These magazines with air brushed women and chiseled men is an unreal goal. You are good soul and if you hear the CD of Eckardt Tolle's The New Earth. It might help you in your path. P.S- You should take up writing as a occupation. Keep going on the path to wellness.
