Monday, February 13, 2012

I Don't Think It Was A Compliment?

The other day someone told me I'm losing too much weight.

I wasn't sure whether I was suppose to say Thank You or, I'm Sorry.

So I blankly stared back and said...

"I wasn't aware I lost at all"

I'm sorry sir, what I really meant to say was,

"Thank You"

1 comment:

  1. Eckardt Tolle speaks of the "Pain Body". Once you understand it's the little voice telling you, "You're eating too much or you gained" That's not you saying that, it's your "pain body". The "pain body" does not want you to be happy. The pain body seeks unhappiness, drama and feelings of being "less than". On disc 8 of "The New Earth" he speaks of ED. The "pain body" always wants to bring you down. It's always telling you, "You're less than." I've noticed you have started to get a glimpse of this. You will be stronger and more awake everyday. This struggle will make you even more spiritually awake.
